Lauren ElizabethYou Think Covid’s Been Bad? Wait Until the Next Pandemic.We just allow things to get needlessly worse, don’t we?Jun 4, 202214Jun 4, 202214
InDialogue & DiscoursebyLauren ElizabethAmerica, We’re Right on the Edge.Everything is collapsing at lightening speed, and none of this is normal.May 30, 202222May 30, 202222
Lauren ElizabethA Trump Era Program Seeks to Privatize Medicare. Biden’s Allowing it to Continue.Of course he is.Jan 29, 202213Jan 29, 202213
Lauren ElizabethBernie Would Have Handled Covid Better.And I think about it a lot.Jan 11, 202218Jan 11, 202218
Lauren ElizabethBiden’s Response to the Latest Covid Surge?: You’re On Your Own.The cruelty of the powerful knows no bounds.Dec 29, 202114Dec 29, 202114
Lauren ElizabethWhite House ‘Incivility’ is Being Blamed For Manchin’s ‘No’ on the Reconciliation Bill.As if that makes it any more understandable.Dec 26, 20217Dec 26, 20217
Lauren ElizabethNo One Wants to Take Responsibility For the Eviction Moratorium Ending.Our lawmakers are cowards. Plain and simple.Aug 3, 20214Aug 3, 20214